Autumn potting during Halloween week

Autumn potting at Twelve Nunns Nursery means all our dedicated team are hard at work! This week we have been repotting our Sanguinaria canadensis multiplex ‘Plena’ AGM rhizomes. We can’t avoid being reminded about Halloween whilst carefully splitting the larger rhizomes of this blood root plant – it can sometimes cause a few gasps from those of us who are a little squeamish! Its a great time to repot now as the rhizomes are dormant but the soil is still warm, so the roots can settle in nicely once replanted.
Once split, our experienced staff take time to ensure the rhizomes are positioned correctly in the pot, whilst adding the compost. Then its all about the important ‘tapping’ of the pot to ensure the compost falls into every space in and around the root system.

We have grown and nurtured Sanguinaria canadensis multiplex ‘Plena’ AGM at Twelve Nunns Nursery for a number of years. They produce the most amazing pure white, pom-pom like flowers in the Spring, followed by scallop shaped bluish-green foliage. These are available to buy from us as flowering sized, bare root rhizomes in October and November, which can then be planted directly into the garden. If you prefer potted plants however, these are ready to send during March.
Autumn potting is just one of the many seasonal activities that take place on the nursery. Our small team are involved in many more activities throughout the year, which we would love to share with you in the coming months.