Arisaema candidissimum AGM
£ 9.99 – £ 13.99 inc. VAT
A distinctive tuberous perennial, the striking flowers or inflorescences of Arisaema candidissimum unfurl into white hooded spathes, with defined candy-floss pink stripes. As the flowers mature the foliage then grows into impressive large glossy like leaves (very much like those of the cheese plant). A superb architectural garden plant, one of the finest and most vigorous Arisaema.
Growing tips for Arisaema candidissimum
Despite their impressive appearance Arisaema candidissimum are easy to grow. They are also hardy when planted in the garden. As they remain dormant over the winter and through much of the spring it is worth marking where you plant them in the garden, so you don’t forget where they are!
They also thrive when planted in a pot but they do need to be protected from frost. We would recommend that they are lifted and stored frost free over the winter as you would dahlias. They also do not like excessive rain.
Although they suit dappled shade, Arisaema candidissimum will also thrive in sunnier conditions as long as they don’t dry out in the summer months. They prefer moist, well-drained soil.
What are Arisaema?
Also known as ‘white-spathed jack in the pulpit’ Arisaema originate from Western China. They are tuberous perennials with unusual tubular, hooded spathes. Its within these spathes that the actual flowers themselves grow in tiny clumps at the base of the spadix, eventually developing into red berries.
Arisaema candidissimum at Twelve Nunns
Fully propogated and grown in the UK here at Twelve Nunns. It takes many years to produce the corms that we send to you.